The Pros And Cons Of Deepwater Exploration

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Deepwater exploration is becoming easier with the growing technology of the 21st century. However, humans may be putting the organisms that inhabit these waters in jeopardy as deepwater exploration becomes easier. Therefore, humans must learn how to explore the deep sea while also protecting the organisms that inhabit this area. Further, with more companies looking to drill for oil in the deep sea, the protection of these organisms is of the utmost priority. Because of the lack of knowledge, the issues that arise out of deepwater exploration are extensive. Humans now find it easier to explore the deep sea. Out of this arises the issue of human-induced change. The organisms that live in the deep sea have never been in contact with humans up until very recently. Also, because of the vast amount of deep sea that has yet to be explored, there are other organisms that have yet to come in contact with humans. Therefore, the effect that humans can have on these organisms is unknown. Thus, as humans continue to explore the deep sea, a major aspect of their research must be to understand how they can observe these organisms without putting them at a risk for a deadly change in their environment. …show more content…

However, the Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 shows how deadly this act can be. Within weeks of this spill, immense numbers of sea and wildlife had been affected in negative ways. For example, the number of dolphin deaths almost doubled in the weeks following the spill, birds ability to fly was hindered due to oil seeping into their wings and bodies, and numbers of other animal lives were harmed as well. The spill’s full effect is still not known today. This type of disaster is one that could have been avoided, therefore, more concern needs to be taken by companies who wish to drill for oil in deep