Michael Brill's Problems With Mistaking Community Life For Public Life

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Now at the halfway point in the semester of INT 201, I have learned many important lessons. I have learned thing about myself to the ways in which others want to be treated. I have learned all of this with regard to community. To be more specific I have learned and been asked to think about the following things: how the community in which I grew up has influenced my character today, the way in which that community is set up for different social interactions, the requirement to tolerance to live in a liberal, pluralistic society, and to acknowledge that we cannot come into a community and judge it and try to change it in the ways we think we will make it better if we do not live it in. When I was asked to think and write about myself and how …show more content…

In this easy Brill talks about the way in which community is often mistaken for public life. He defines community life as time “spent with and among neighbors, nodding acquaintances, shopkeepers locally resident police, fire, mail and town officials, and people in local fraternal sporting and religious groups.” He says public life is “spent in the occasional company of a diversity of strangers od whom we know little more than what we see…” thorough the use of these definitions we took a closer look at the community we know a Mercer Village and Tattnall Square Park. By doing these activities, I was able to gain a better understanding of exactly was kind of life these areas promoted, and through this the type of social interaction it …show more content…

This will prevent one group making assumptions about another and there being misunderstandings. I learned this from the poem by Langston Hughes Visitors to the Black Belt. Through the use of this poem Hughes talks about how people look into a community and see one thing while in reality the community is a complete other thing. When people talk about one what will be best for a group of people in a community might not actually be hat is best for them. This is because people make assumption about think which they have little knowledge of, and this is more harmful than helpful. I learned that this method correlates back to the lesson on tolerance. Before we decide that something is intolerable, we should learn about it and why that group of people believe it is best for