Michael Levin's Criticism Of Homosexuality

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Homosexuality is defined as ‘having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of one’s own sex’ (American Psychological Association, n.d.). LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) movements have been increasingly influential all over the world and homosexuality has been under heated debate. In his article ‘Why Homosexuality is Abnormal’, Michael Levin puts forward a number of arguments to support his contention, as well as provides counterarguments to potential criticisms. Finally he expresses his opinion on legislation on homosexuality based on his stance. In the following paragraphs, I shall analyse his main contention and arguments, discuss the implications on the situation of Hong Kong and comment on his arguments.

To begin with, the writer proposes the main contention in the first paragraph—‘Homosexuality is abnormal and hence undesirable’ (Levin, 1997), which is a conclusion drawn by various premises. At the beginning, the writer adopts the theory of natural selection and applies it to the development of sex orientation in human. Natural selection is described as a process in which only selective characteristic of organisms that can increase an organism’s chances of survival are preferentially propagated to the offspring, hence allowing the organisms to adapt to the environment (Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.). According to this theory, every body part we possess has its own function defined by nature to favour our survival. The writer then argues