
Midsummer Night's Dream: Play Analysis

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N1:This play is about the great depression and nick's family trying to get money .

N2:Jax smith is a 15 year old kid helping his friends family.

N1:Its 1930 it’s been 10 months since the banks crashed.

N2:The london family has had some rough times getting money.

N1:They have been trying to get medicine to help Felisha london,who is 9 months old.

Act 1 Scene 1

Eli London: Everybody's help me search for jobs to get money for Felicia.

Nick london: Dad comma we searched already we need to stop they all gone.

Brittany London: Nick we need the jobs to get medicine for Felicia.

N1: Eli and Nick went outside to search for jobs for medicine to help Felicia.

Eli: What places have we went to get jobs?

Nick: We could go to Jax Smith's …show more content…

Nick: He has a job washing people's clothes and they'll awesome opening .

N2: Nick and Eli went back to the tiny shack to get Felisha and Brittney.

Brittney London: Is Jax’s one of your friends back in school?

Nick London: Yea his parents died when he was four and now lives with his grandma.

Felisha London : (Threw up)

Eli London: We have to hurry.

N1: Eli, Nick, Brittney, and Felisha went off to a new start.

Act 1 Scene 2 N2: As the family got to Jax Smith’s place, their was a problem.

Jax Smith: There's one more spot open and you only get 45 cents per load of laundry.

Eli London: Nick you should get the job so I can look for my own job.

Brittney London: I will take care of Felisha then.

Eli London: We all know what we are doing now?

Nick London: Yes, ok when do I start?

Jax Smith: Tomorrow at 8:30 A.M., might want to get a big pot to wash the clothes.

Nick London: I don’t have one and I couldn’t afford it anyway.

Jax Smith: You can use mine because i’m not working tomorrow.

Nick London: Sweet, …show more content…

Bella Chrome: I’ve been keeping all my money, and I wanted to give to the family that needs it. I will give you $80 silver dollars.

Brittney London: (Crying) Thank you! Thank you!

N1: All of the family went back home and even Bella and Jax came too.

N2: There was a problem the baby was getting worse by the minute.

Felisha London: (Crying)

Eli London: We have to find medicine for our child.

Bella Chrome: Where could we go?

Jax Smith: I know, when Nick got sick I used to go to this shop down the street from here.

Brittney London: Eli, Jax, and Bella go , I will take care of the baby.

N1: Eli, Jax, and Bella went to get the medicine before they ran out.

Act 3 Scene 2

N2: Eli, Jax, and Bella went to the shop just in time.

Eli London: Yes, finally we got the medicine.

Bella Chrome: Let’s be careful and not run into that guy.
N1: Halfway back home….

Jax Smith: Hey guys, I see, see him.

Bella Chrome: We have to run.

Eli London: No, he is lying on the ground.

Jax Smith: Let’s find out.

N2: The saw him sleeping.

N1: Bella carefully check his pulse.

Bella Chrome: Nothing.

Eli London: He is dead, what could happen to him?

Jax Smith: He could've OD, or someone could have shot

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