Migrant And Refugees Case Study

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Rossul was an Iraq teen born in Iraq and went to Turkey and Jordon and finally to the United States because his country was in danger and there wasn’t much food or water and wasn’t safe.

2. What are some of the reasons why migrant or refugee youth leave their home countries to come to the U.S.? Refuges or people come to this country for a better life because the there country may be in war or economic crises or lack of food and water also because their homes could have been taken or destroyed.

3. What are some of the challenges that migrant or refugee youth face after they arrive in the U.S.? How is the Church responding to Charitable Works? A challenge immigrants or refugees face is that they have a risk of being deported or not getting an easy job. They could be also judged by there religion or skin color. The church is helping them lot by giving them food and housing them because they didn’t have the same opportunities as we did in the United States. …show more content…

One example I learned was that to be grateful and be thankful for the country we live in that we are not in a war in our country and to help others in need because God would want us to do that.

5. Why does our faith call us to do this

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