Mike Perry: Imagination In Graphic Design

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Mike Perry is a graphic artist from Brooklyn, he’s a talented artist who creates many different mediums, for example photography, typography and even designing skateboards.

His first book was called Hand Job. It’s a book about Typography, which is a technique which uses written language to make it look appealing. In interviews he mentioned how he took the book to his publisher and they said “It’s awful, we can’t publish this”. Then the publisher took it to the sales team and they said were going to sell an immense amount of books. This is interesting because people judge by the cover of the book, assuming the book is going to be filth.
The typography style is my favourite, I am guessing he uses ink to write it down, it’s the way he writes …show more content…

Understanding the technique, imagination in graphic design, having that information and process beat into him for four years in the best way possible really opened him up for the possibilities of sharing it to the people.

In an interview Mike Perry described how he would rather share his work out than having someone giving him $50,000 for one piece of his work, because that’s a one-to-one relationship for instance and he prefers it when he made Broad City logo, where people will see that when it starts showing on TV, it might be 30,000 people or maybe more watching it. This shows he would rather had a wider audience for his work, he wants to share his creations and to be recognised for his work.

There are more graphics designers called The Mingarro Brothers also known as their studio name of Brosmind. Brosmind are very similar to Mike Perry’s work, however Brosmind style is weird, fresh, uses humour and fantasy in their style. Mike Perry style is more mature but having that hint of weirdness to it, more of a range of style on his typography. Mike Perry’s mantra is to “just do it, just get out there and make stuff and be creative. Don’t be afraid, jump in to it” One of his other quotes is “inspiration is everywhere” and his favourite studio snack is cup of