Military Confidentiality

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Military counseling and confidentiality: Applying decision-making methods “Following and episode”: Statement of cultural and social orientations
In this case, a young soldier has informed the clinician that he is homosexual. His distress and lack of coping skills has led him to alcohol abuse. Moreover, the situation has become so intolerable for him that he even has contemplated suicide. He emphatically has stated that he does not want anyone (including his family members and superior officers) to know about his sexual orientation. Military service can be considered as a separate community in the society in which we live. At present, discriminate against people with homosexual orientation is illegal. However, stereotypes and harassment are …show more content…

Identifying the problem is the first step. On this step, it is determined whether the matter involves ethics. Without doubt the subject of confidentiality is an ethical standard that has to be granted except in cases in which the security of the patient is in jeopardy. The clinician must initially ensure the clients security. However there is no need to reveal sexual orientation information. Step two, consulting available guidelines that might apply as a possible mechanism for resolution. The clinician must review the APA Code of Ethics regarding confidentially and safety of his patient; additionally he must review military policies in these regards. On step three, the clinician must consider all elements that might influence the decision he would make. During this step, he should make a sincere effort to remain objective while considering the …show more content…

I suggest a decision-making approach based on six steps: identification, pondering, seeking support, alternative selection, deliberation, taking action. Without identifying names, at my home, I would write in a paper a layout with my steps and actions taken in each one of them.
1. Identification- during this step as a clinician I would identify the type of issue at hand: is it a legal, personal, or a moral issue. On the case 18-7: “Following an episode”, I identified confidentiality as a legal issue.
2. Pondering-on this step, I would have in mind the rights that cover the young patient. I would also consider how I morally feel about the issue; this particular action would help me to think about my biases and personal beliefs in the mist of the situation. As a religious person, I would also strongly consider praying.
3. Seeking support- at this stage I would review policies regarding confidentiality in military psychology and APA Code of Ethics. Additionally I would consider reading peer review articles, and legal cases that have served as precedents. Consulting with an experienced colleague out of my workplace could be as well