Rupi Kaur's Poetry Analysis

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Rupi Kaur was born in Punjab, India and immigrated to Canada with her mother when she was three years old. Growing up, Kaur wasn 't able to participate in sports, after school programs, or summer camps, because her family didn 't have sufficient funds. Kaur spent most of her time reading, and at the age of five, she discovered that she loved to draw as well. Kaur described herself as being , "shy and quiet" in school, but she would write little poems for her friends, along with love notes. It wasn 't until 2013 that Kaur truly realized her passion for writing when she attended a creative writing course at U of Waterloo.(Kaur, WildSpice Mag.) The twenty two year old recently released a book, filled with original poetry and artwork. Kaur spends her time traveling, speaking at workshops, performing slam poetry, and attending book signings …show more content…

The book is divided into four parts: the hurting, the loving, the breaking, and the healing. The poems contain themes of heart break, sexual assault, and love. Kaur states that she drew inspiration from, "moments. People 's stories. Their experiences. And the way those experiences make them feel. The way people hurt. And how badly I want them to heal. I love digging into them and grabbing the root of their emotion. And explaining something so complex in such few simple words" ( Kaur, Huffington Post.) The author hopes that the book brings comfort and peace to her readers. Originally, 15,000 copies were sold, however milk and honey has since been published, along with 20 new poems by Andrews Mcmeel in 2015