Millennial Generation Essay

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Being the citizens of the post-modern society, millennial generation arose on the ashes of the bipolar competition and the cataclysms of the global wars. Today, more than a half of the population appears to be represented by people under the age of thirty, whose groundbreaking attitudes towards commonly shared values might challenge traditional models of life and disrupt relatively stable social relations. How can Generation Y affect social order, and what consequence might this influence have for the world based on conventional system of beliefs? Though millennials emphasize importance of personal development and constant improvement of individual qualities through hard work, they also share the sense of responsibility to widely acknowledged civil values and, moreover, highly estimate liberal approach in tackling crucial problems of everyday reality. Appearance of millennial generation changed a conventional view concerning the role of an individual in the society; eventually, the right of self-expression and promotion of individuality became essential features of the new consciousness. While demonstrating a certain degree of respect to commonly recognized duties and responsibilities, Generation Y has developed a unique pattern of interaction within society in an attempt to find meaningfulness in the activities they undertake. Millennial generation, as it is highlighted in Forbes (2012), has a tendency to oppose and question traditional approaches to understanding a