Mills 50 Target Audience

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According to the US Census of 2010, the total population around the Mills Avenue was, at that time, 12,050 people. Also, the median age of the Winter Park area is 42 years old with a median household income of $56,499 (City-Data, 2014). So, as you can see, this is contemporary and professional population. In fact, this is part of the traffic that Mills 50 gets. The Mills 50 organization reaches a young and professional audience between 25 to 35 years old. It is a millennial audience that appreciates culture, arts, and community. It is also a very racially and ethnically diverse segment. According to Cordeiro (2016), “One of out every four Floridians is Latino.” Mills 50 has several Latino and Asian places around the District and that is why it gets to a highly diverse market. Also, the LGBT community has a big influence on the District. According to the Orlando Business Journal (2015), “Orlando has 20th-highest LGBT percentage among …show more content…

metros.” The LGBT community center located in Mills 50 is called The Center and they offer support and counseling services to their members. They also have events and celebrations that gather all the LGBT community around the area. The Small Business Saturday will reach this same target audience described above. This event will bring together the artistic, creative, diverse, and community loving people that appreciate the locally produced goods and services. Indeed, millennials appreciate the personal and direct interaction with brands and this will be their motivation to come to the Small Business Saturday (Nielsen, 2014). Technology defines millennials. This target is always online and connected through their smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Thus, the best distribution channels