Mind Chaos And Chaos Analysis

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The devised piece #ethnocentricCRAP addresses issues regarding violence and ethnocentrism. At the start of the play, Mind, Order and Chaos observe the desolate state that the world is in. Mind, played by Chelsea Anne, asks how things came to be this way. Order, played by Luis McLean, argues that it is just the way things are. However, Chaos, played by Junyu Chen, argues that it is a result of a social hierarchy that rewards the greedy. Devastated by the horrors she has seen, Mind states that she wants to help the world. Mind, Chaos, and Order observe silently as different events are depicted in front of them. Some of the moments include two women having a debate about whether black lives matter or all lives matter, a protestor attacking a woman at an abortion clinic, and an innocent Hispanic man getting shot by a police officer. After watching these events, Chaos and Order decide that they want to play a game. They place a group of people in a basement and ask them to establish a utopia. At first the group seems to be doing well. In order to mix things up, Chaos sends another group into the basement. The confusion and fear from the introduction of the Others causes an outbreak of …show more content…

Moments of violence, racism, homophobia, sexism, and police brutality are depicted throughout the play. The hatred and violence in this play are a reflection of moments that continue to occur within the world. The world that is presented in #ethnocentricCRAP also looks dystopian. The stage looks dreary and the ensemble is dressed in attire that reminds one of an apocalyptic science fiction movie. Each of the actors also has a barcode on this or her skin, which is actually mentioned in one scene when a police officer asks, “Where’s your barcode?” These choices present a certain atmosphere that is either a symbolic representation of the world’s current state of affairs or a warning of the possible future the world could be