Minimum Wage Thesis

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Over the last 100 years, economic inequality has peaked at various times. Currently, the United States is in the midst of another period of unprecedented economic inequality. Poverty is the crux of many social problems facing society as a whole. Poverty has been tied to a poorer education, instances of increased crime, as well as less familial support. With that in mind, there are some possible solutions on the horizon. A higher minimum wage is one, or a more extreme universal basic income. Increased educational funding and support, as well as increased support and funding into rehabilitation of criminals and those at-risk for criminal activity, would go a long way toward resolving this social problem.
First and foremost, the most important …show more content…

Recently, increasing the minimum wage seems to be the solution constantly talked about publicly. Proponents of an increase in the federal minimum wage believe raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour would lead to less people living at poverty level. This idea would certainly help millions of Americans and allow for families to better support their children by allowing for greater stability and spending power within the economy. The only problem with an increase in minimum wage is that it doesn’t affect those who cannot find gainful employment. Furthermore, it increases the possibility that some businesses would pay below the minimum wage “under the table” which is illegal, but still common in many industries and jobs on the lower end of the economy. While a “living wage” would be a step in the right direction, a more …show more content…

Both an increase in funding for schools, particularly poor performing schools, as well as increased funding for the rehabilitation of criminals would go a long way toward helping solve the growing divide between the haves and the have nots. With an increase in charter schools nationwide, local school districts have seen their budgets shrink year after year. This effect has taken money directly out of the pockets of schools generally in lower income areas. Early childhood education plays such a key role in helping shape kids into future successful and prosperous young adults, but unfortunately this lack of support from lawmakers and school boards has led to schools unable to cope with the increasing and ever-changing demands of education. Thus, many students fail out, or have their needs go unmet. In turn, this leads to a greater potential for an increase in criminal activity later in life. If a student cannot succeed in school, it limits his or her chance to be successful later in life. It is absolutely vital that not only are there quality instructors hired, but that funding for teachers as well as supplies needed for the next generation of students is obtained. The situation is clear: solve the problems surrounding the education system, and create a larger number of contributing members of society. One might ask “how do we help those who have already gone down the

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