Miranda Journey

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This information is added after the journey was complete. It was simply too difficult to write about all the accusations while we were in the process. So, as you read our story you already know the odds were greatly stacked against us, not just for lack of knowledge, but pride and ignorance were weapons of the enemy. The thing you fear the most is usually what the enemy will use against you. Our seven-year journey to get to the root of Miranda’s problem began in 1998. During this journey we were accused of horrible things. One night Miranda had bleeding in her private area (years later we would realize the bleeding was due to her hormonal imbalances) and it terrified me! So, I immediately called her pediatrician, and we took her to the …show more content…

I was accused of physical abuse, due to her bruising. I was accused of feeding Miranda poison to make her sick. Due to the Anorexia in my past, I was accused of wanting a perfect sized child. I was accused the entire ordeal was in my head, and I was making it up. I was accused of being a mother who wanted a perfect daughter, and due to my perfectionism I had created a sick child. I was accused of pushing Miranda too hard and making her sick by expecting too much of her. I was accused of lack of faith by the fellow believers in the church. I was accused of “micro-managing” my daughter to make her …show more content…

The accusations always came at pivotal points in the journey. Points, where I could either give up because of fear or continue in faith. Each accusation hurt Kevin and me greatly, but I chose to take the position of proving each person wrong. I knew in my heart, I had never harmed my child in any way. I loved her and the only accusation that would have been the truth was: I was desperately trying to get her help! I found ignorance, which is not stupidity, was found in every place I was accused. Stupidity is knowing what to do and not doing it. Ignorance does not know what the problem is or how to fix it. Every person who accused us was ignorant and prideful. It was their flaw, not mine. But, I had plenty of time to figure that out and forgive each accuser along the journey. It would become part of my challenge. As the journey would continue for years, my fear changed from accusations, to the sheer fact that maybe no one would ever find out the truth. My dad taught me growing up, “Donna, all you have to fear is fear