
Miscarriage Research Paper

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10 Miscarriage Causes
There is not a single thing which will make the loss easier, but understanding the reasons behind a miscarriage could be very helpful.

A miscarriage, or medically known as spontaneous abortion, is the loss of a fetus before the 20th week of the pregnancy. Experiencing a miscarriage is a devastating and depressing experience for every parent, and it is usually followed by fear of conceiving again, guilt that you did something wrong and anger directed to life and its cruelty. As much as it is hard, especially for the mother, after all these mixed feelings come to cease, parents usually want to know why the miscarriage happened in the first place. Truth is, the reasons are not always explicable, especially if the mom has already had a normal pregnancy and a healthy child, but if the mommy had previously experienced two or three miscarriages, then it is time to look for the causes and the ways to prevent an early spontaneous abortion, i.e. miscarriage.
Miscarriage Symptoms
Part of the …show more content…

However, uncontrolled blood sugar and an uncontrolled diabetes undoubtedly cause a miscarriage. It is recommended for women who are struggling with diabetes to talk to their doctor and together find a way to control the blood sugar, and regularly to take blood sugar tests, and by that make the uterine a favorable environment for a fetus to grow and stay attached to the end of the pregnancy.
4. Chromosomal Abnormality
This is a common cause of miscarriage, and it simply means that a genetic error occurred, or that the chromosomes which carry our genes from the egg and the sperm are simply incompatible. A genetic error occurs in trisomy 21 or Down syndrome, but as it happens, this kind of chromosomal abnormality is compatible for further development, unlike other types when the chromosomes cannot connect and the pregnancy is terminated with a miscarriage.
5. Uterine and Cervix

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