Psy/230 Week 1 Abortion Research Paper

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Abortion 1 Abortion 5 Abortion Jason S. Eadens Benedictine University Abortion Well looking at the PBL for this class I wanted to write something that I was very opinionated about and that have my own morals about. I did not pick the top of the list that I found, but I chose to go with the second one, which is abortion (“11 Most Controversial Issues Dividing the Country,” n.d.). The topic of abortion is very important to me because my ex-wife wanted to have an abortion with my oldest child while we were going through a divorce. Thank God that in the state I lived in that she could not do this without my consent since we were married. I love my son and it would have emotionally killed me if she would have ended his life before he even got a …show more content…

This political issue does not have a right or wrong. For example, yes, it is wrong to kill a living being, but no there are circumstances such as rape that should not be held in the same light of a woman wanting an abortion just because she doesn’t want the child. I’m sorry, but if you willing hop into bed and get pregnant than you should be ready for the possibility of getting pregnant and having a baby. Lastly, I want to state that this should probably not be a political issue, but one for the moral compass of the one that is pregnant and their partner. Partner is used as one that is in a relationship with the woman that is pregnant, not a person that makes her a …show more content…

However, as we have discovered there are a lot of factors to the choice for different reasons of an abortion. We’ve learned that if a woman is a victim she could have to deal with her rapist the rest of her life, and that is not right to torment her like that. Finally, why does politics have to deal with what we do to our body? Politics should be helping us do what is best for us, but not controlling us. The U.S. is a free country, so do not try and control the people of this country. References 11 Most Controversial Issues Dividing the Country. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2017, from Abortion Facts - Information on Abortion You Can Use. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2017, from In 7 US states, rape victims can be legally forced to share custody of their children with their rapist fathers | Fox News. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2017, from

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