Miss Havisham Essay

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Psychoanalytical Criticism Response Miss Havisham suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. Miss Havisham relives her darkest hour. People that suffer from post traumatic stress disorder “Re experiencing the trauma”(Hammam). I saw that everything within my view which ought to be white, had been white long time ago, and had lost its lustre, and was faded and yellow.(Dickens 44). This relates to post traumatic stress disorder because Miss Havisham is living in the past by still wearing her wedding dress from a wedding that was 30 plus years ago when left at the alter. Miss Havisham has another symptom of PTSD, where she shows signs of “Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs”(Hammam). “Well? You can break his heart.”(Dickens 46). Miss Havisham’s view of the world is very different, she thinks that all men need their hearts broken. Which would be consistent with persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs. Miss Havisham’s other symptoms for PTSD would be “emotional numbness”(Hammam). “This,” said she, pointing to the long table with her stick, “is where I will be laid when I am dead. They shall come and look at me here”(Dickens 65). Miss Havisham shows signs of being very numb to the world, because she doesn't seem to care about her death. In conclusion Miss Havisham is a very troubled women with a lot of symptoms that can confirm her mental state. …show more content…

Having “emotional numbness” (Giliberti) means you are numb to your emotions.“Miss Havisham’s face could not smile. It had dropped into a watchful and brooding expression- most likely when all the things about her become transfixed- and it looked as if nothing could ever lift it up again.” (Dickens 47). Another symptom of depression is sleepiness.(Giliberti). Miss Havisham doesn’t necessarily sleep all the time but she does mention it. “I am tired” (Dickens