Miss Representation Film Summary

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Mouth wide open in shock. Miss Representation is the ideal documentary for male and females to watch. The testimonies, statistics, videos, and information that is produced is astonishing. Miss Representation is a documentary available on Netflix and is widely popular. It discusses the way women are portrayed in America through media and the eye’s of individuals. Miss Representation wants to embower women and build them up, even if society is pushing them down. The documentary begins with discussing young girl’s and women’s self-esteem. 65% of women and girls have an eating disorder. It is appalling to know that half of the females in America suffer from eating in some shape. The rate of depression has doubled from 2000 until 2010 (Newsom, 2011). …show more content…

Many journalist did not have female journalist to idolize because the industry was predominantly male. Then, women had to face the question concerning their attire, “how does one look attractive for television, yet also professional?” The answer: it is a lose-lose situation (Newsom, 2011). If she wears a short skirt, she is a slut. If she wears a pantsuit, she is masculine and perhaps, lesbian. Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin suffered from this stigma. Palin went for a feminine approach to her character and embraced her feminine nature. The media and public sexualized her beyond comprehension. Men openly talked about Palin being “proper masturbation” material while on live television. There was a photograph of her speaking to an audience, and the photo was shot between her legs (Newsom, 2011). Many females questioned who they should admire due to many males being solely in power. The conclusion: be your own role model. No female should spend their life looking for someone to admire. Setting the highest of limits and conquering personal goals should be women’s aspiration. Women can lead society, and set the highest example of excellence, class, and