Misunderstand Reality In Liliana Heker's The Stolen Party

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In The Stolen Party By Liliana Heker, the author uses symbolism, hyperbole, and personification to address that someone can misunderstand reality. In the story the author shows how the main character Rosara, the daughter of a maid was invited to a birthday party for a different reason then she thought. When the character was invited she thought it was because she was a friend of the birthday girl, rosara had little to not reason to think she wasn't a friend of her. The author says in the text that they do homework together everyday after school, showing they do know each other very well. This evidence will support my claim up above. When Rosara got the news that she was invited to the girls birthday, she was very excited. Even though rosaria's mom knew was was actually going on, Rosara didn't. The mom didn't want rosara to go to the birthday party because she knew that it would lead to disappointment for her. At first she told rosary she wouldn't be going, that's when the first piece of exaggeration was represented. Rosara would then say ¨ i'll die if i don't go¨. This shows that she was in fact very desperate to go to the party because she would not have actually died if she didnt go. But she was desperate for the wrong reason because she would actually be going as a maid herself. …show more content…

In this case the opponent may argue the opposite and say that rosara did understand the situation and really don't exaggerate or compare herself as the maid, but with supporting evidence it proves that they are wrong. In the story it clearly states that rosara thought that she was a friend, she even tried to convince a cousin that she was. It also talks about the monkey being sort of the swingman for the magician like rosara is to the senora enez. This proves the opponent that there is symbolism, hyperbole, and personification involved in the stolen