
Mixing Mastermind Essay

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What I Learned to Be Successful as a Home Music Producer Hi, I am Gelot Macaranas and I am the founder of Mixingmastermind.com. Today, I want to share with you the very reason how I became a music producer and how I am doing my passion at the comfort of my home. If you also want to know the story about what Mixing Mastermind provides, go to the About Page. In the early 2000s, I had the privilege and pleasure to perform on stage with a band I formed with my cousins. We played four times a week at different venues and wrote songs during our days off. Almost 5 albums worth of original songs resulted from our weekends. The original compositions connected with our audience. They started to approach us and asked for any recordings because they …show more content…

This is correlated with the second issue. Had there been a recording studio near our place, we had more time to practice as a band. We found it very difficult to practice our demo songs at home, because our neighbors were too annoyed to listen to us. We didn’t have a basement or a sound-proofed room to use, our garage was the only place available. We also needed to schedule our practices during the moment everyone’s awake so not to disturb the peace of the evening. Lastly, the band consisted of cousins who happened to live in the same house but having different priorities. Some were still studying, while others were working. Our difficulty lay on our personal schedules, thus affecting practices. Thinking about it, it should have been easy for us to form a practice schedule because we were all living in the same compound, but it didn’t work out that way. We were all aware of the problems we faced as a group. But, we had a dream of reaching out to the world through our songs. We wanted to have the freedom and more time on the creation process such as writing and recording songs, as well as the development process, which was improving how we played and developing ourselves as musicians. However, with all the issues faced, we found it very challenging to make things work for the band. 2. What did you do to solve the problem that did not work? (The

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