
Mixy: A Short Story

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Once, there was a girl named Reece, but everyone calls her Reese. So Reese is a 12 year old, spunky, and outgoing person. She is also very nice! So to the story we go. One day Reese was playing with her dog Mixy. Mixy is a Shih Tzu and a Yorkie mix puppy. Enough with all the details so, Reese and Mixy where playing Reese’s house and they were about to go on a walk in the park. Then all of a sudden the doorbell rang. “Wonder what that could be Mixy?” Reese questioned. Reese opened the door and it was a box about 3 feet tall. “I think it’s my class robot project.” Reese said excitedly! She immediately ran to go get scissors to open the box. “OMG!” Reese screamed “It looks awesome!” “I’ll put it together after my walk.” Reese said. …show more content…

Davison!” They both yelled at the same time. “Hi girls, how are you all?” “Nervous?” Mrs. Davison asked. “Just a little.” They both said. “No problem you’ll be fine!” Mrs. Davison said nicely. “I’m going to go start this thing up!” Mrs. Davison said excitedly. “Welcome students and parents.” Mrs. Davison announced, “This is our presentation for our robots that our class put together.” Mrs. Davison talked for a long time. Then the presentations started. Reese and Ryleigh waited for a long time. Then up was Ryleigh ready to roll! She talked about the technology of the robot and how it works. Then after Ryleigh was done she picked on Reese. Reese stood up and walked Minty to the front on the classroom. “Hi, I’m Reese and this is my robot Minty.” Reese introduced Minty pretty well. “Hello, it’s me.” Minty started to sing in a robotic voice. “Minty not now!” Reese whispered. “Minty is two feet tall and she…” Reese stopped Minty shut down. “NO!!!!!” Reese yelled. “No, why me!” “Why today!” Reese almost started to cry. “I know I’ll just fix it.” She said sadly and happily a little. “Ok, so this piece there, and that piece there.” Reese was talking to herself. After maybe 5 minutes of fixing Minty was

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