Mla Citation For Thirteen Reasons Why

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Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher is a book about a high school student, Hannah Baker, who is telling her story about her own death. Before she commits suicide, she creates thirteen tapes telling her story about her life leading up to her death. Each tape she creates is about a single person who has somewhat contributed to her emotional deterioration and eventually her decision of taking her own life. This book is narrated by Clay Jensen, a distant friend of Hannah’s. This book is Clay’s journey where he is getting to know Hannah on a deeper emotional level by listening to her tapes and literally standing in her shoes. Along with the tapes, Hannah gave the kids a map to show exactly where everything happened so they could experience her pain …show more content…

Her second tape is dedicated to a former friend of hers, Alex Standall. Alex had not only spread rumors about Hannah, but also created something so terrible to embarrass her to make himself look “good”. “I’m sure you have no idea why you’re on here, Alex. You probably think you did a good thing, right?” (Asher 53). He passes around a list throughout their class which contains two categories of bests and worsts. On this list, Hannah is placed in an extremely inappropriate category that causes many students to stare at her in an inappropriate way. “When I looked up, the whispers stopped. Any eyes looking at me turned away. But I saw that paper getting passed around. A single sheet making its way up and down the aisles” (Asher 54). Hannah admits that if this one thing had not happened, the chain of events that happened afterwards would probably not have happened and she may still be alive. “But this tape is not about your motivation, Alex. Though that is coming up. This tape is about how people change when they see your name on a stupid list. This tape is about… Okay. I just looked over every name-every story-that completes these tapes. And guess what. Every single event documented here may never have happened had you, Alex, not written my name on that list” (Asher 57). After this list had been passed around, it gave boys an excuse to mess with Hannah. While she was in a store, one boy came up behind her and …show more content…

Justin Foley is the first one to betray Hannah’s trust. She thought that they were friends, but after what had happened she became self-conscious about who her friends are. Alex Standall is another person who had betrayed her by putting his needs before her own when trying to get other people’s attention. When she first got to her new school, a counselor set her up with a friend, Jessica Davis. The two girls became very close and also became close with Alex Standall (before he made the list). The three of them were all new to the school, so they bonded over coffee. They constantly met up and hung out and talked. When Alex started to make other friends, he stopped hanging out with Hannah and Jessica. Without him being there, Hannah and Jessica found themselves not having much to talk about. This caused them to drift apart and they eventually stopped hanging out. During this time Hannah had noticed that Jessica and Alex had gotten closer and started hanging out together without Hannah. One day sometime after the list had been released, Jessica told Hannah to meet her at their special place. When Hannah got there Jessica basically accused her of stealing Alex from her because of where Alex put Hannah’s name on the list. Jessica tells Hannah about the rumors she has heard. This immediately upsets Hannah. She tells Jessica she would accept blame for the break up if it helped her get over it,