Mock Interview Of Jeffrey Dahmer To The Classroom

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This Writing Assignment (WA) contains the following three classroom activities: (a) psychopathy, (b) mood of a crime scene, and (c) a mock interview. This WA also contains the following three chapter topics: (a) insanity, and (b) police corruption, and (c) The Fourth Amendment. Three Class Activities The first class activity is about psychopathy in week 3. After discussing the difference between a psychopath and sociopath, Dr. Gonis played an interview of Jeffrey Dahmer to the classroom. Dahmer confessed his dark desire to be in control and killing around seventeen boys and men, then dismembered their bodies and preserved them in his apartment. He also confessed that he was a rapist and a sadist who enjoyed necrophilia and cannibalism. After …show more content…

Dr. Gonis created three characters for a mock interview to present for the class. The presentation was to introduce the class the process of hiring in law enforcement. The professor instructed his students to think of interview questions as he leaves the class to prepare to roleplay. Mr. Gonis entered the room as a young miss. As the students are asking questions, it is revealed that the young lady is soft spoken and unknowledgeable with no confidence or experience. The second character walked in with confidence. As he answers his questions, the class learns that he was a former member of the military with past experience. A very well-spoken guy who is honest, but his honesty revealed that on a night out, he and his friends drunkenly stole a car to get back to his base. The ex-serviceman constantly blamed his friends throughout the interview showing that he does not take responsibility for his actions. The last interviewee was a man who dressed unprofessionally and left off a bad first impression. He quickly changed the student’s opinion when he reveals that he had graduated from college and is very knowledgeable about law enforcement, but he has no past experience or any idea of how the streets work. When the interview was done, Dr. Gonis went over the pros and cons of each character and asked the students to decide who should be hired. The students chose the college guy as the best …show more content…

A misconduct damages the civilians trust in the police department to protect the citizens with their rights and safety. One type of misconduct is the abuse of authority. The book defines it as “police disregard for policies, rules, or laws in the performance of their duty” (Master et al. 158). Law enforcers who abuse their power often claim they are doing it for a noble cause. Examples of abuse of authority would be the use of excessive force or false arrest. Another type of police misconduct is corruption, when a law enforcer abuses their power for personal benefits, such as taking seized drug money or giving special treatment to a superior in order to get a