Modern Day America Essay

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World War II is known to be one of the deadliest conflicts in human history. There was an estimated 50 to 85 million fatalities in this war. Over 100 million people from over 30 countries were directly involved and affected by it. Even though the war ended over 70 years ago, it left its mark on many countries. My question is, how has World War II affected modern day America? America’s involvement in the War had a impact on the economy in the U.S. America was still recovering from the Great Depression and the unemployment rate was at about 25%. The war changed that. Closed factories were brought back into full operation and new factories were brought back to life. People began spending money again. The war lead to the “Golden Age of Capitalism”. …show more content…

It was a problem because the workers played a vital role in producing war-related materials. Knowing that they were lacking a workforce, managers began hiring women for jobs you wouldn't expect women to work. The war caused a significant change in the role of women. Approximately 350,000 women served in the U.S. Armed Forces, both at home and across seas. I personally think this may have started the trend of married women leaving their homes to go work. Today 58.6% women in america are employed, while in 1939 it was only 29%. Not only has World War II changed women’s part in society it changed children’s . When the war ended the economy began to prosper again, everyone began to be content with their lives. This lead to the baby boom, from the end of the war to 1964, 76.4 million babies were born. People were hopeful about the future so the birth rate increased substantially. During wartime there were many technological advances. Many inventions that we still use today were developed during that time. Super glue, duct tape, Tupperware and the Slinky are examples of some inventions. Many types of technology were improved and even customized for military use. Airplanes, tanks and ships were constantly being improved for better designs. The world’s first programmable computer was born during this time by British codebreakers. There were also medical advances as well, especially with surgery techniques and chemical