Modern External Views To The Post-Modern View Of Magic

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Magic has had a vast evolution with the revealing answers with mentalism and psychology, which has brought forth an ideology limiting it to mere self-action and how we interpret reality. However, this concept this demeaning to the interpretation of magic in past cultures and many modern cultures. To only acknowledge the boundaries of our own modern thoughts while dismissing a titan sized world of ideas beyond our scope of perception is borderline narcissistic, let alone very ill-educated. It is only proper to understand the meaning of magic from the point-of-view in this book within full context as it acknowledges both meanings that are esoteric and exoteric. In modern magic during the 18th century was the beginning of a new practice that arose in Europe called animal magnetism, or …show more content…

But philosophers did hold the belief that we can change our life through the power of replacing one habit with another and mastering our natural impulses. This is the primary point leading the modern view of magic on a more metaphysical level. So I will discuss the modern internal views to the post-modern psyche model of magic that will play a huge part for the comprehension of this book, but first I must bring up a more valuable lesson from antiquity. Stoic philosophy had the set belief that thoughts, words, and actions created habits that govern our lives. This is a three part mercurial process, in the sense of relation to Mercury or Hermes, not meaning finicky as in the modern terminology, but more along the planetary aspect Cornelius Agrippa expands upon in The Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Thoughts, words, and actions are outlined in all forms of magic that is the internal world of the magician. The mode of thought in early stoic philosophy was about knowing who you are and avoiding taking action without