Why Did Augustine Reject The Art Of Magic

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Why, according to Augustine, should we reject the “art of magic”?

Augustine’s writings are responsible for formulating early ideas about magic and witchcraft. His work is noteworthy because he was responsible for formulating ideas about magic in a systematic form and his ideas remained unchallenged for long period. Augustine rejected the “art of magic” on several grounds including

Firstly, he views pagan beliefs as superstitious. On page 44 of Kors and Peters, he states, "- there are two kinds of learning pursued even in pagan society. One comprises things which have been instituted by humans, the other things already developed, or divinely instituted, which have been observed by them. Of those instituted by humans, some are superstitious, some not.” This statement demonstrates that Augustine differentiates between his own religious beliefs and pagan beliefs. He viewed pagan beliefs as superstitious beliefs. Augustine incidentally ridicules superstitious beliefs but also takes them quite seriously. He thinks that these beliefs will take people away from God and that these beliefs will exist in opposition to religion. He goes to alluding to superstitious beliefs as idolatry since the person would be worshipping something that is not God made. All to further strengthen …show more content…

How does Regino of Prüm explain this belief? Why is this document significant for the history of witchcraft?

The Canon Episcopi, written in 906 AD, was a critical document for bishops and clergy. There is an intense and systematic treatment of threats to the church, including magic. The Canon Episcopi gives the bishops directions on the proper behavior when confronted with magic and witchcraft. This document will later be used in witch trials, because it deals with magic and witchcraft from a Christianized view. The church is enforcing discipline through instructions in the Canon