Modernization Theory Essay

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The modernization theory is based on the concept that inequality persists because of the different level of technological development. It sees the Western countries as highly developed and wealthier, and suggesting that the poorer countries are ‘underdeveloped’ and ‘backward’. The underdeveloped countries were recommended to adopt the model of the Western countries in order to progress. Walt Rostow, a renowned scholar developed the stages of development through which every countries develops and that every countries have to go through these stages for development (Deji 2012, 15-16). However, in the pretext of modernizing the underdeveloped countries, the rich countries are utilizing and depriving resources from poorer countries. Additionally, the gap between the rich and poor countries increased through modernization process and thus, the vicious cycle of development outcomes become clearer (Grieg, Hulme, and Turner 2007, 157). These vicious cycles affect mostly the poor with the reduction of human development which in turn decreased the economic development, and thus reduction of resources, high birth and mortality rates and poor environmental conditions (Grieg, Hulme, and Turner 2007, 157). Although the modernization theory has contributed in aiding developing countries, it has fail to highlight the importance of gender equality in attaining and maintaining a sustainable development. This is due to the unequal treatment of men and women. As women participation in the