Modified Ground Theory

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This chapter reviews aims and objectives of the study and details the methodology used. The research question is explored in detail which this study aims to answer. Modified ground theory forms the basis of the methodology in this study. In depth interview was conducted to get complete insight into the traits and characteristics of leaders in rural and remote heaths service areas. Words of the participants are quoted for interpretation by the readers and better understanding of the subject. The data are further analysed using the standard ground theory methods.

3.2 Aims:

There are three major aims of this study.

The first aim is to describe the traits and characteristics of leaders in rural and remote health service areas in Australia …show more content…

The leaders will be asked direct question if they worked in urban areas as well in their career. If the leader has worked in both urban and rural areas, then further question will be asked to explore the differences modifications the leader may have required in their traits and characteristics.

The third aim of this study is to discover any new traits and characteristics that leaders of rural area may have or are using which has not been described in literature. Design of the questions would allow the leaders to describe all the traits and characteristics pertinent to the rural and remote settings and within depth questioning, any new traits or characteristics that may not in literature will be discovered and described in …show more content…

Once the data are collected, codes are given to certain values or concepts in the data. Certain words or concepts or chunks of texts are coded as required by the researcher. The analysis beings as soon as the questions begin. Concept related to collection of similar codes together and then foreign a concept. The concepts can then be further grouped to form a category and collection of categories with lead to formation of theory (Bernard, 2010). There are two major approaches to the grounded theory. In Glaser’s approach, the data are constantly analysed front very beginning go the research and interview. It is described in literature as qualitative data analysis. Strauss and Corbin approach is to looks at the data in a systematic way and generate a theory. The research principle in this method is neither inductive nor deductive. However the concept is regards abductive where in coding, sailing and comparison are the main elements (Strauss, 1994).

Grounded theory was chosen as a methodology for this study to develop theoretical insight into the traits and leadership of rural leaders and allow the participant to add wealth of their experience into development of those traits and characteristics. The open approach that grounded theory takes to gather and analyse a participant’s narrative is designed to give their own account in their own words from diverse perspectives. In this way, rich and detailed