Monchek And Wiedaseck Case Study

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Monchek and Wiedaseck define Hydatidiform mole as a disease resulting from an atypical growth of the trophoblastic cells that would normally develop into the placenta. It starts at the time of fertilization due to a defective union of the sperm and ovum, which causes an aberrant proliferation of the trophoblastic tissue that rapidly fills the uterine space explains Monchek and Wiedaseck. Monchek and Wiedaseck describe the “mole” as an edematous, grape-like structure formed by the filling of the placental villi with fluid. “The incidence of hydatidiform mole is 1 per 1000 pregnancies” explains Beena, Jose, Teerthanath and Shetty (2016). The importance of this disease is the loss of pregnancy and the possibility of developing choriocarcinoma …show more content…

The blood may be bright red or brownish. A result of the vaginal bleeding is anemia. A diagnostic sign is the passing of hydropic vesicles. The woman with a partial mole may not notice the vesicles because they are smaller than those of the complete mole. A classic sign of approximately 50% of molar pregnancy cases is uterine enlargement. The enlargement is due to the proliferating trophoblastic tissue and the large amounts of clotted blood (Davidson et al., 2012 p. 378). “Absence of fetal sounds in the presence of other signs of pregnancy is another classic sign of molar pregnancy” (Davidson et al., 2012 p. 378). Because of the continued secretion of the trophoblastic tissue, the hCG levels will be elevated. As a result of the elevated hCG levels Hyperemesis gravidarum may occur. Preeclampsia may be seen if the molar pregnancy continues into the second trimester. Davidson et al., explains that because of the fact that preeclampsia is a complication of late pregnancy, if symptoms are seen in the first half of the pregnancy, molar pregnancy must be considered as the first diagnosis. (2012, p. …show more content…

379). It is also important to support the family as they deal with the grief of the lost pregnancy. “Typed and cross-matched blood must be available for surgery because of previous blood loss and the potential for hemorrhage” (Davidson et al., 2012, p. 379). Oxytocin is given to the woman to keep her uterus contracted and prevent hemorrhage. After surgery, carefully monitor the woman’s urinary output, watch for signs of bleeding and assess for signs of infection (Davidson et al., 2012, p.

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