Preeclampsia is a condition that occurs only during pregnancy. Some symptoms of preeclampsia may include high blood pressure and protein in the urine, occurring after week 20 of pregnancy. Preeclampsia is often precluded by gestational hypertension. While high blood pressure during pregnancy does not necessarily indicate preeclampsia, it may be a sign of another problem. Pre-eclampsia is one of the most common cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. It affects around 5-8% of all pregnancies. When superimposed with convulsions it is termed as eclampsia. Other high-risk factors are multiple pregnancy, hydramnios, and molar pregnancy. It is estimated that around 1400 women dye from pregnancy-related causes
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• Sudden weight gain over 1 or 2 days
• Abdominal pain, especially in the upper right side
• Severe headaches
• A decrease in urine
• Blurry vision, flashing lights, and floaters
You can also have preeclampsia and not have any symptoms. That 's why it 's important to see your doctor for regular blood pressure checks and urine tests.
Currently, there is no sure way to prevent preeclampsia. Some contributing factors to high blood pressure can be controlled and some can’t. Some general precautions include the following.
• Control salt intake
• Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
• Don’t eat a lot of fried foods and junk food.
• Get enough rest.
• Exercise regularly.
• Elevate your feet several times during the day.
• Avoid drinking alcohol and cigarette smoking
• Avoid beverages containing caffeine.
• Your doctor may suggest you take prescribed medicine and additional supplements.
To diagnose preeclampsia, you have to have high blood pressure and one or more of the following complications after the 20th week of