
Monster By Walter Dean Myers Chapter Summary

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In 2015-2016 there ware around 2823 Homeside deaths recored in the United States there is also a globe 7.6 international Homeside deaths per year. also since the beginning of march there has ben 2000 men and women killed in the US.

The Novel, Monster, By Walter Dean Myers is about a boy Named Steve Harman who goes to jail. He is 16 and was found not guilty by the jury. Steve Harman was arrested at his house by a detective so they could ask him a few questions because he was accused of a robbery that happened on December 22 because during the crime the drug store owner named Mr. Nesbitt was shot and killed with his own pistol. Steve walked into the store during the time of the robbery and he was accused by one of the robbers that …show more content…

They say that the shooting took place at a hotel bed an breakfast in Jacksonville, Florida. They said that Breton was punched 3 times once in the face and twice in the stomach and was called a “nigger” by a homicide detective. They also said that the gun that Breton was accused of using to kill the women. that is was thrown in to the woods to hide the evidence . Brenton was accused of robbery because they said that when he shot her he grabbed her purse and took off with it and then he was found walking down the street and was handed cuffed and was taken to the Jackson Vill Police Department. He was took there to be asked some questions. Brenton said that he did not do it so he want to court and the jude and the jury said that the defendant Breton Butler was found not …show more content…

one reason the jury thinks that they are guilty because they and black. In the text O’ Brian says you are guilty because you are young and black. Another reason is that they are not giving him a fair trial. Steve is standing at the witness stand and he is trying to tell his part of the story but O’Brien his lawyer told Steve that when you get called up that you should look state at the jury and tell the truth that you were not part of the day of robbery on the day of December 22. Steve looks back to when he was going into the drug store not as a look out, He said that during that time I was out shooting a film for my school news. So I can see that Steve should not be guilty for the shooting of Mr. Nesbitt its just that he was at the place at the time, and also Bobo is lying to the jury just so Steve can get a longer sentence in jail and that he was not even involved with the

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