Montefiore Essay

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1. How should organizational performance at Montefiore be measured?

Montefiore should be measured by collecting data that reflects the currents trends and needs of the community in relation to the hospital (Knickman & Kovner, A., 2015).They may use metrics to evaluate patient satisfaction, the success of their heart, cancer, and Children’s Center. They may evaluate how the delivery system is performing in their organization.

2. Why do not all HCOs have strategic goals like Montefiore’s?

I would imagine that the majority of health care organizations have goals for their facility, but maybe the goals or ideas have become outdated and the employees are not motivated by them. The goals need to be communicated and updated, so the employees can understand what the objectives are that they are working towards (Campenella, 2014). The organization and employees need a direction in …show more content…

It is suggested that the company bring out a few at a time, in order to concentrate on those and not confuse or overwhelm the work force. They need to identify what people and departments should be striving for what purpose, communicate this effectively, and coach employees when needed (Campenella, 2014).

4. What contributions should the management team make?

Managers have an important position and are crucial to how well your department is running. Managers will receive information from CEO, board members or other management, then they must communicate and introduce this information to their department. They must have the ability to lead, yet do so in a manner where the employees are able to be heard, and devise methods to coach and mentor employees towards the specific goal, and address any concerns that may hinder the department in reaching their full potential (Knickman & Kovner, A., 2015). 5. How is Montefiore accountable to its various stakeholders for organizational