Moon Landing Conspiracy Essay

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When Neil Armstrong and Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969, it marked a crucial moment in human history. Though there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that supports that NASA’s famous landmark was a success, conspiracy theories that the moon landing was a hoax have persisted since. Some of the most sought-after conspiracies are that the moon landing was an inside job to win the space war against Russia, that you can tell it was fake by the photos sent from NASA, or that the lunar rocks are just ordinary rocks. Current technology tells us that those rocks are real lunar rocks, and it would be nearly impossible to stage such an extraordinary event. In 1969 the moon landing was a remarkable achievement for the United States and substantial to the public eye, but now, as years have passed, there has been compelling evidence that suggests the moon landing was phony. …show more content…

It took hundreds of thousands of people to work on the Apollo program; thus would be complex to keep such a secret from the public ear. It has been nearly 54 years since the first steps were taken on the moon, and “there has been no credible evidence from former NASA employees of anything being fake” (“Did NASA”). When the team returned to Earth, they brought lunar rocks to mark the history they had made, “the lunar material is as irrefutable proof as any that the moon missions were not faked” (Keneally). The pictures and video footage were massively important to the astronauts to capture, so they made sure to make their travel during the moons day time hours; therefore, “both the astronauts and the lunar landscape itself are brightly lit by the Sun, the sky may look black, but remember, this is in fact daytime on the Moon” (“ Moon Landing”). The moon landing was an extraordinary event that will be remembered by people everywhere as a turning point in