Moonlight Film Analysis

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Bias, unbidden or not, along with stereotypes and personal experiences, shapes how the life of an individual will turn out. In the film Moonlight, the journey of Chiron is explored in three parts. He lives in Miami with his mother who is a cocaine addict and his role models Juan, a drug dealer, and his girlfriend Teresa. He gets bullied in school, falls into the school-to-prison pipeline, becomes a drug dealer like Juan, and is haunted by the question “Who am I?” In Being Bad: My Baby Brother and the School-to-Prision Pipeline, Crystal T. Laura writes of her brother Chris who is seen as a bad kid who struggles in school, and is diagnosed with Bipolar 2 Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, and Attention Déficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Combined Type, is involved in the wrong crowd, and falls into the school-to-prison pipeline. In both the film and the reading, the effects of unbidden bias and the lack of support in the home and school environment are explored. The reading explores the tensions faced in educational enviroment and helps us understand what the school-to-prison pipeline is and how people of color are affected. Being Bad changes the way we look at ourselves and educational system. The effects of labels and stereotypes are brought to our attention. Crystal T. Laura starts her first chapter by explaining what the school-to-prison pipeline is. She writes “when people get caught up in the school-to-prison pipeline, it means they have been poorly educated, prepped for