Moral Values In Education

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• Some common values should be re-discovered to unite human beings. • Role of Teacher should be enhanced same to previously accepted in ancient times
. • It cannot be ignored that the rate of juvenile delinquency is increasing everywhere. It is a definite symptom of a crisis which today 's youth undergoes in the process of his personal growth. In such a situation value education assumes a special significance. • Human beings should not be treated as saleable commodity that can be disposed of when they can not help the material cause.
The Secondary Education Commission 1952-53 laid special emphasis on the following values in the formation of character of the students: 1. Efficiency 2. Integrity 3. Discipline 4. Co-operation 5. Good Temper. The Committee of Religious and Moral Instruction headed by Shri Prakash made a special mention of dignity of labour, love of humanity, patriotism and self-discipline. Moral values particularly refer, to the conduct of man towards man in various situations good manners. The Committee of Emotional Integration referred to the mutual appreciation of the various religions in the country spiritual values, national unity and the unity of mankind. The Education Commission emphasised the inculcation of the values of cooperation and mutual regard, honesty and integrity, discipline and social responsibility. It also stressed the development of scientific temper of mind, respect for manual labour, capacity to put in hard and responsible work,