Morals And Ethics: Core Study

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Area III: (Core Study Area)

Define the terms morals and ethics and distinguish between the two. What role do morals and ethics play in leadership? From a moral and ethical perspective, can a leader ever take actions in which the ends justify the means, that is, can one use unethical methods to accomplish a good final outcome? Based on the research and literature in the field, discuss your agreement or disagreement with the statement, "Morals and ethics seem more important today than at any other time in history."

Morals and Ethics
Morals and ethics can have different meanings from ones perspective held powerfully through their beliefs, however one will be held accountable for their actions according to laws of society. For example, Immanuel …show more content…

Reflecting on Kant’s categorical imperative is summarized as in performing ones duty is to function with morals, which are, accepted as universal law (Ciulla, 2003). Furthermore, Ciulla (2003) went so far to suggest on moral law:
Thus the principle that every human will as will that legislates universal law in all it maxims, provided it is otherwise correct, would be well suited to being a categorical impetrative in the following respect: just because of the idea of legislating universal law such as impetrative is not based on any interest, and therefore it alone of all possible imperatives could be unconditional. (p. 107).
Confucius details ones should be living a life of harmony with having the mindset of which a moral human being shall fill their duties to others and rule governing the society (Ciulla, 2003). These responsibilities to others and society are based on five principles of relationships, which Confucius declared as “… the relationship between ruler and minster, father and son, elder brother and younger brother, husband and wife, and friend and friend” (p. 124). In addition, Confucius created the book The Analects, a manual of discussion moral lessons for leadership and connects morality and leadership. For illustration, “Confucius leaders should be good role models, bust most important, they should rigorous perform their …show more content…

219). Additionally, the morals and ethics from ones leadership style is transformed to their followers, and leadership associated with his or her power should raise employee’s consciousness on what values and goals are important to the individual (Ciulla, 2003). Transformational leadership will occur by providing a mindset for followers to make a conscious choice among real alternatives in making moral decisions (Ciulla,