Most People Are Nice Scout When You Finally See Them Analysis

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The quote “ Most people are nice, Scout, when you finally see them.” from Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird conveys the message that things aren 't always as they seem. Most things we do are with good intentions even though the outcome may not be what they wanted yet all we consider when “judging” someone’s character is the outcome but once we take time to get to know them, understand where they 're coming from and what their intentions are we can see that deep down they are good people. Although there are times when this is not so those times can indicate to us if they need help, then we can help them so that when others get to know them they can see the good within them too.

An example of this is in the television show “The Good Doctor”’s first episode. In this episode the main character Shawn Murphy, has flashbacks to his childhood, one being of him sitting on a chair in the living room stroking his pet rabbit while his father yells at him about his behaviour, mostly with regards to his” autistic outbursts “at school. Within a minute of the flashback starting his father tells …show more content…

People are not bad nor good, there 's no label you can put on anyone for we are born who we are and we experience different events and situations in our life. We are all very different and no label can be used to describe who we are. It 's the same for describing an individual we can 't say Shawn’s father is a good person or a bad person because there 's no one to compare him to. We can 't compare an individual to another because no matter how similar they may be those individuals are still truly polar opposites for deep down their lives and experiences aren 't the same so comparing the two would be comparing apples to oranges. The labels good and bad can however be used to describe someone 's intentions but still when labelling one’s intentions you must truly understand where they are coming from to see if their intentions were well-meaning given their background and the context