Mother Tongue: The Conception Of Language

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There are roughly six thousand five hundred spoken languages in the world today.It is generally agreed that even though these different languages possess distinctive vocabularies, grammars, and pronunciations they can be expressed with the same meaning to a certain thing and do not affect how we see and understand the world. However, the widespread conception of language is wrong; instead language does, in fact, shape the way we think.People who disagree may argue the influence of our thinking comes from culture. It is correct, but we cannot forget that language also influences the way we think about culture it carries .Besides, Language is also used for estimation of intelligence and identification. Through these roles, language profoundly affects how we think. People often think about intelligence based on language level. A person who speaks his language fluently and expresses his ideas clearly is commonly considered intelligent, and vice versa.However, sometimes the measure can obtain a wrong result. In her article “Mother Tongue”(2007), Amy Tan, an American born Chinese novelist, talks about how she and other people underestimated the intelligence of her mother who speaks broken English .The author saw on many occasions such as bank and restaurant, people …show more content…

Anzaldua lived with oppression and confusion. Gloria did not have a sense of belonging when either speaking Mexico’s Spanish or America’s English because she neither was born in countries that spanish is native language nor is Anglo.She belonged to a unique ethnicity-Chicano.They have a distinctive language Chicano Spanish that is mix of English and Spanish.The language came out of necessity in identifying themselves and bonding the people