Mother Turkey Research Paper

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The COPY Shop
What word do you think makes more prospects say yes than any other?
What word compels the reader to take some form of action, because it instils trust and gives you credibility?
What word triggers an automatic and positive response to the majority of your readers?
What word is so persuasive because it numbs the pessimistic area of your audience’s brain and drives them emotionally to move forward, resulting in much higher levels of conversions for you?
What word has been scientifically proven to be the most effective?
You don’t just have to take my word for it.
Let’s talk turkey here for a moment.
In the animal kingdom and yes that includes us. A single sound can trigger a response.
A mother turkey can hear a certain chirp and …show more content…

I read about these two fascinating experiments in a great book The Psychology of Influence, by Dr. Robert B. Caldini. The first involving mother turkeys, the latter, humans. Back to the turkeys for a moment….
Polecats are a turkey’s nemesis; even a stuffed one pushed towards a mother turkey will be met with a very hostile reception.
But, if this same stuffed polecat has a recorder shoved up inside playing the ‘cheep cheep’ sound of baby turkeys, the mother will embrace this fake former enemy like it is one of her own. The minute the recorder is turned off, the stuffed polecat will be the victim of a vicious assault.
The only deciding force in the mother turkeys positive emotions isthis sound.
Why does this have anything to do with …show more content…

No real reason just the use of the word “because”.
Cheep cheep.
So start taking advantage of this scientific, proven behaviour in humans.
Use because more, because I said so.
Ok for even better results use because followed by a compelling reason.
You are writing to a focused reader, not catching someone off guard at the Xerox machine or in the bank queue.
Use because, because:
This word will help you master persuasion in any sector.
Because this is a tried and tested formula, used by all the great copywriters out there, who do you think taught me this?
Because it is a shortcut to anything you desire, money, success, freedom to travel and earn a fortune at the same time by being able to persuade others to listen to what you have to say, buy what you are selling.
Because it will prompt you to stay focused on what your big WHY is in the first place.
Fill your emails, your e-zines, your articles, your sales letters with “reasons why”, peppered with lots of “becauses”.
People want to be persuaded, they want you to give them the information to make an informed, inspired decision. That is human nature.
Because equals passion and belief in what you are offering.
Because it is an honest, to the point way of