Motifs In Creation Myths

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If you know anything about Mythology, you may know there are many motifs, and myths in the topic. There are many motifs in each creation myth that may be very important to some myths and not so much to others. Some of the motifs I will be discussing from Various of the famous Creation Myths will be the Bloody Struggle in a myth, humans coming from the creation of an egg, the creation of humans through the environment.
In many of the Ancient Myths there are counts of Bloody Struggle in the myths such as the myths Norse, Hindu, Babylonian and the Maori myth. Everyone of those creation myths dealt with Bloody Struggle in its time when needing to, to conquer what they were in need to conquer. I think so many creation myths have this motif of a …show more content…

The egg is a big motif because it's such a crazy thing because of the gods that came out of the eggs. There was more than one egg the eggs made many gods. For example, Pangu, born inside the egg, broke it into two halves: the upper half became the sky, while the lower half became the earth. Prajapati emerged from the egg, and creation of earth and humans took place. So many cultures have their creators coming from an egg because “in all cases, this embryonic motif emerges out of darkness, floating upon the waters of chaos” . Many myths have the waters of chaos, so it all fits into most of the myths. These myths started out with an egg, Chinese which had Pan-Gu who was a giant dragon. Later on when Pangu died, Nuwa was brought into the creation from an egg. Another myth that started with an egg is the Hindu myth, the Hindu myth started out as just seas in deep and dark. Over time the water produced a golden egg, that egg hatch after 9 months and created Prajapati. Both these myths use the egg to make the creators who form the Earth and created humans. The Chinese myth used the egg to make Pan-Gu the Dragon, and he built the Earth and when he died Nuwa came out of the rest of the egg and took over. The Hindu creation started with nothing and then the ocean created a golden egg and created Prajapati and Prajapati created the Earth and split himself into two …show more content…

It is very common because the environment was all around these Gods after they created it so they could use whatever they wanted. The myths that used the environment to create humans are Greek, Chinese, Incan, Yourban, The Wood People. All of these myths used so many different types of things that come from the environment. Whenever these Gods created the first humans from the environment it was sometimes fast and sometimes slow. Some of the Gods it took them many attempts to get the right thing and some of them it just took one attempt. In the Greek creation myth Prometheus and Epimetheus made humans but Zeus sent a flood to kill them. The humans Prometheus and Epimetheus were created out of dirt. In the Chinese creation myth Nuwa created the first humans, Nuwa created them out of clay and mud . Nuwa took her time on creating some of the humans but rushed with some. In the ink and creation myth Pachacamac created the first humans out of stone. In the Yourban creation myth there were many gods, and the many gods there were they created the first humans, the first humans were created out of clay and was done on the first attempt. In The Wood People creation myth the humans were created out of