Motivation Work Theory

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The current times exude a fundamental shift from simplification and standardisation at work towards laying a deeper focus on specific job properties, suggesting a transformation within the realm of work. The inconsistencies in Motivation-Hygiene Theory and Job Characteristics Theory have unfolded interest in researching the link between people and the kind of work they do. This essay will first critically discuss the ideals of changing landscape of work whilst carefully measuring job characteristics. It will then extend and refine essential work characteristics, identify new moderating variables & mechanisms and outline outcomes & antecedents by looking at broader perspectives and ways of redesigning jobs; all radiating their profound impact …show more content…

He applies the notion of ‘fit’ in relation to differing preferences, demographics and individual needs. The ‘person-organization fit’ links values of organization and individual to decreased turnover, aimed at growth-need strength. The future of work however should deep-dive into understanding the moderating role of rewards and abilities. ‘Need-supplies fit’ identifies closely with job satisfaction, which will help understanding rewards in relation to performance; ‘demand-abilities fit’ would moderate the link between scope of job and strain with reduced perceived fit (Parker and Ohly, 2009). Another contextual moderator observed is ‘uncertainty’. With a rise in operational uncertainty, flexibility of responses and greater autonomy is required to make decisions. Job enrichment is thus the answer in such scenarios. (Parker, …show more content…

Inducing flexible role orientations and motivational states like “can do”, “reason to” and “energised to” can simulate self-efficacy and proactivity (Parker, 2014). For instance, job crafting equips employees with enhanced skills and attitudes by enabling customization of their own work. Niessen et al. (2016) suggests its positive linkage with person-job fit and the antecedent of ‘positive self-image’ to enable crafting of one’s cognitive and social boundaries of work. “Collaborative crafting” involving joint efforts of employees indicates a positive relation with performance and organizational commitment. However “individual crafting” shows a negative relation to job satisfaction, turnover intention and organizational commitment, giving mixed results (Oldham and Fried, 2016) Increased collaboration across boundaries of organizations have led to the emergence of relational job design perspective. Being in connect with clients or customers (beneficiaries) is recognized as a catalyst for formulating meaningful personal associations by enhancing one’s persistence behaviour and motivation (Grant et al., 2007). Leadership and organizational practices are variables that are gaining attention in influencing job characteristics (Parker, 2014). With transformational leadership augmenting the prominence of a leader’s