Work Engagement Theory

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Background and Aim: The theory of Work Craving proposes that a workaholic has a craving for self-worth compensatory incentives and an expectation of relief from negative affect experienced through unrealistic perfectionism and an obsessive-compulsive style of working (Wojdylo et al, 2014). The present study was undertaken to study the relation of work craving to work engagement, job satisfaction and Type A personality among 40 middle-aged doctors in public sector hospitals in Chandigarh. Methodology: Self report measures to assess Work Craving (Work Craving Scale, Wojdylo & Buczny, 2010), Job Satisfaction (Job Satisfaction Scale, Macdonald and MacIntyre, 1997), Work Engagement (Utretch Work Engagement Scale, Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003) and Type …show more content…

Further, Workaholism and Work Engagement share the behavioural component (working excessively hard, high work involvement), even though emotional and motivational aspects of these phenomena differ fundamentally. Porter (1996) reported that workaholics work excessively in order to avoid the negative emotions they experience when not working, suggesting that negative emotions might precede excessive work behaviour. Reduction of negative emotions also is the fourth element of Wojdylo’s (2014) Work Craving model. As stated earlier, there is an expectation of relief from negative affect experienced through neurotic perfectionism and an obsessive-compulsive style of working. According to Cantarow (1979), the hallmark of the workaholic personality is the joy of creativity, and workaholics would seek passionate involvement and gratification through work. This concurs with the views of Peiperl and Jones (2001) who see workaholics as ‘hard workers who enjoy and get a lot out of their work’. These views although highly inconsistent with the traditional definition of workaholism, establish some commonality with the …show more content…

Thus, the hypothesis that there will be a significant relationship between Work Craving and Job Satisfaction was rejected. Burke (2004) found that work addicts, both male and female, reported less satisfaction with their jobs and higher levels of psychological distress. Workaholics work hard not because they like their jobs but because of a compulsive inner drive. This can be seen in the greater correlation that Work Engagement has with Job Satisfaction than Work Craving even though both are not significant. Whereas workaholics are motivated by an obsessive inner drive they cannot resist, engaged employees are intrinsically motivated, have a sense of energetic and effective connection with their work activities, and view themselves as able to deal well with the demands of their jobs. However, Schaufeli et al. (2007) reported that there is rather a weak correlation between workaholism and job satisfaction. Infact, in one study Schaufeli, Taris and Rhenen (2008) have found a negative correlation between Job Satisfaction and inner drive to work among managers. Thus, the results in review of literature are rather