Motor Oil Lab Hypothesis

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How will adding motor oil to the LJOC affect the organisms living in the jar?

I think that the motor oil will kill a lot of the organisms in the LJOC, but I also think that the organisms that don’t get killed will be able to live in it and eventually become used to it. I think this because oil spills can contaminate water supplies, and the organisms that we will be observing are in the water. I am not sure if the organisms will be affected in the same way humans are affected. Background Information:
Before the class started making this LJOC, we all made a first LJOC which only had dechlorinated water and grass in it. My partner and I added the dechlorinated every time we thought that the LJOC looked dry, but none of the groups added more grass as time passed. The first day that we setup the LJOCs they smelled like grass and dirt, but a …show more content…

Unlike my partners and my variable jar, the control jar looked a lot like the first LJOC that I did, a lot of the water had evaporated and most of the grass was dead. The next time my partner and I did an eyeball observation was on 11/30/2017. The variable jar had yellow and black water, as well as grass coated in motor oil. Unlike the variable jar, the constant jar was overall becoming lighter. The water was a light yellowish-green, and the grass was mostly light green, but a few strands were dark green. The third eyeball observation that my partner and I did was on 12/14/2017. The variable jar was almost completely black and dark green, with a few light color strands of grass. The control jar’s only difference that I could detemen through an eyeball observation, was the amount of water, which had decreased and the smell had started to become more

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