Movie Analysis: Film Analysis Of 'Innocent Voices'

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1. Voces inocentes
A young boy, in an effort to have a normal childhood in 1980 's El Salvador, is caught up in a dramatic fight for his life as he desperately tries to avoid the war which is raging all around him. War is never pretty, and the film has its share of violence and stomach-churning horror.
"Innocent Voices" is principally about the effects of war on children, and its current resonance (e.g., child soldiers in Iraq) is inescapable.
On the one hand, it 's good for children to see a film that doesn 't glorify war and serves as a cautionary tale. Even though the movie never goes overboard with graphic violence or bloodshed, what is shown is strong enough that the film is probably best viewed by older eyes.
2. Silenced
A mother joins a school for hearing-impaired …show more content…

When the handsome, young, newly-ordained Father Amaro catches a bus to his first assignment in a small mountain town, he is the very model of a good, caring (and careful) priest. When young ladies in the village gush over him, he blushes and withdraws, even shrinks back in alarm when one of his young parishioners, pretty 16-year-old Amelia, touches the back of his hand. But his goodness soon gets derailed by the normal desires of a young man.
Carlos Carrera 's direction is restrained – and eloquent in its reticence. The Mexican clergy asked Mexico 's faithful to boycott the film. They did nothing of the sort. Spurred on by the Mexican press, they made El Crimen Mexico’s highest-grossing domestic film ever.
7. The Caterpillar
The movie revolves around the story of a war hero who came back home with all his limbs taken away by the war. His wife is devastated by seeing his condition but still moves on with life and takes good care of her handicapped husband. At times she is frustrated with the consequence she has to face for a war of which she was not a part by