
Mr. Cole Analysis

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Lessons from Mr. Cole Music is subliminal and surrounds us in our everyday lives. Many people prefer a specific genre, artist, or band based on their certain reasons. Most want something they can relate to, while others want a message. Artist that tend to do provide both often are successful and celebrated among the world. J. Cole does both of these and is a well known and respected artist around the world. His songs reach out to the younger generation and helps spread positivity and helps uplift someone who maybe lost or distraught about a situation. The metaphors and similes that he applies to his songs are what makes them so phenomenal and great to analyze. The topics addressed in his songs are topics that should be addressed …show more content…

Cole just doesn 't make songs that are difficult to talk about, but he also makes uplifting music. According to ineedalighthouse.org aproximately twenty percent of teens will face depression. That 's a one out of five chance that somebody in a classroom is dealing with a problem in their at school, home, or some relationship. In his latest album 2014 Forest Hills Drive he wrote a song named Love Yourz. In this song he relates his journey from rags to riches and talks about the pros of having a poor life and the cons of having a rich life. In a verse he stated “ It’s beauty in the struggle, ugliness in the success Hear my words or listen to my signal of distress.” Many people are depressed because of their life situation, but Mr. Cole is trying imply that you can also be happy with your life no matter what your situation is. According to a popular magazine named The Source Article named “Homeless man pens letter saying J.Cole’s “Love Yourz” saved his life.” The man was homeless for fifteen days and haven 't ate in the last two. He couldn 't find a job and would stay in Starbucks for free wi-fi he planned on taking his life later on in the week until he heard this song. He said that he was going to overdose on sleeping pills and pass away peacefully. Until he heard this song and it gave him motivation to make a better and new life for himself. This shows the impact that J. Cole has on people around the world and the impact he could have in the

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