
Mr Savage Chapter 2 Summary

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Mr. Savage lives in baltimore,maryland. he stands out because he kills police officers for nothing. Mr. Savage also lives in a city with mostly people go to jail but he commits a crime and he does not go to jail but other people do. the police beat a man and tased him to death. ¨he is in for a whoopin¨ i said. The officer said ¨ you don't want none of this.¨ I said ¨oh yes i do.¨and then he shot me with the ak. I tried to dodged put my hand in front of me and he bullet stopped. I then found out i could control bullets. I turned the bullets right back around one in his throat one in his neck on in the chest and the last one in the mouth. One day a tsunami happened and then he flew threw the water. Savage got critically hurt. so he was carried to the hospital and wakes up and he see that he doctors do not look the same. Savage says ¨ what are you.¨Savage gets up he starts shooting everyone. And superman comes in and says ¨hold it right there you are in crypton.¨ The doctors got savage better then they sent him home but one problem he has no home so he got his weapons and he robbed someone out of their house. One day he seen superman and he nearly almost died. Superman was getting beat up by deadshot. he used his power to control deadshot's bullets he put one bullet in his head and three in his neck. The …show more content…

He said ¨it has been a long time.¨ I said ¨long time not really.¨ batman ran to me i shot him with the uzi.i said ¨that´s all you got.¨ i said ¨I'm like deadpool i can't die.¨ so he slapped me hit me kicked me. i was down. Then Junior comes out with a fly necklace ovo 12 jordans, grabbed my golden chrome shotgun, and gave him 12 shots to his face i shot him once in the back through his suit and there he was laying on the ground leaking blood. I took my knife i cut his head off laying right there next to his body. I told junior ¨in the future you are really going to come in handy. Junior said Thanks you are a really fly

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