Mr. Van Den Haag's New Argument Against The Death Penalty

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Capital Punishment
Murder is the crime of deliberately killing a person. It’s wrong and it’s punished by the law, but how it is murder any different than capital punishment? The answer is easy, it isn’t. Both are violating the right that each one of us have since the moment we were born, the right to live. Capital punishment is racist, it’s not cheaper than life imprisonment, it’s a barbaric an immoral act, and, contrary of people beliefs, the death penalty does not deter crime.
Capital punishment is racist, discriminates against the powerless, the mental disturbed and the minorities. As Mr. van den Haag explains in his article “New Argument Against Capital Punishment?” poor and black murderers have more chances to face the death penalty than …show more content…

One would think that, by this time, humankind should have progressed in this matter, but we have not. Capital punishment has been around for many years, hanged, shoot death, electrocuted, gassed, poisoned, and stoned to death are just a few examples of the many ways that society had killed. “An eye for an eye” it’s a popular excuse that people use to not feel guilty about giving the state power to kill, “it’s their own fault” “they deserve it” “they have no right to live.” But who are we to decide who live and who doesn’t? If we really apply that “an eye for an eye” then the world would go blind. There was a case in 1993, were Westley Allan Dodd, a child rapist and murderer demanded to be killed, hanged publically and the community did what he was asking for. They put a rope around his throat, tied his hands together, and hanged him in front of a crow of cheering people. Later one many experts said that Dodd was a psychopath that wanted to be remember, he manipulated the community to complied his desire. Equally important we have all the cases in which innocent people have been misjudged. It’s horrible that good people had to be in prison, but it’s even worse that this people are sentenced to die. The minimum possibility of killing an innocent should be enough to abolish the death penalty, because no matter how hard the law try, there will always be a small chance of a mistake. In the book “WHEN THE STATES KILL… The death