Mrs Ferguson Observation

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•Yes, Mrs Ferguson does seem to have an overall understanding of the stage of development that her students are in. One way she does this is by complimenting her students on their thinking and problem solving skills with measurements. Another way she does this is by encouraging her students to interact with each other by having them do group work together to complete worksheets with application problems about measurement. The last way she does this is by having a code of conduct in her classroom so students will know and be responsible for their behavior that is expected of them and if they break this code of conduct, then there is going to be some kind of consequence. These are just a few of the many ways that Mrs. Ferguson seemed to have …show more content…

Ferguson’s class, was concrete operational. I know this because the students were able to solve hands-on problems with measurements by using manipulatives like rulers, and students that are going through the concrete operational stage love to use hand on activities. I also know this because students in the class seemed to be a little less egocentric about themselves, while working with other students. I lastly know this because the students were able to clarify and classify that a triangle has a different area formula than a square, and students going through this stage are supposed to clarify and classify about what something is and why it is important. These are just a few of the many things I observed in Mrs. Ferguson’s class that showed characteristics of being concrete …show more content…

Ferguson’s class tone was based more on effort than perceived ability. First, she compliments her students on trying their hardest with answering questions even if they are right or wrong. Next, she would give the students a positive reinforcement like a high five or thumbs up, if the students tried their hardest on a problem and got the answer correct. Lastly, she would give tickets to students in her class that follow the rules and procedures for the entire week to cash in and use to get something out of the treasure chest. These are just a few of the many reasons why I think Mrs. Ferguson’s class tone was based more on effort than perceived ability. •There were also a few things about language development I noticed, while observing Mrs. Ferguson’s class. First, I noticed that many of the students participated in group discussion in class. Next, I also noticed that some of the students would give directions to other kids in the classroom, if they did not hear Mrs. Ferguson at first. Lastly, I noticed that there were a few students who were off topic in the classroom, talking about what happened outside this morning. These are just a few of the many things I noticed, while observing Mrs. Ferguson’s