Muhammad Ali Research Paper

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“Cassius Clay is a slave name. I didn’t choose it and I don’t want it. I am Muhammad Ali, a free name – it means beloved of God – and I insist people use it when people speak to me and of me” ("Muhammad Ali Biography." Today, the name Muhammad Ali brings up images of intense boxing matches and shiny Olympic medals, but this man should be remembered for much more than having a strong left hook. Throughout his life, Ali has stood up against racism, converted to the Nation of Islam, supported an array of different charities and beneficial organizations, and never strayed from what he believed was right. Because Ali did not let anyone make him do something he did not believe in, he is undeniably one of the most influential people …show more content…

Throughout Clay’s younger years, it became apparent to all those around him that there was not very much that this little boy was afraid of. Because he was from the south, Cassius Clay was exposed to the brutal segregation and racism that was very present at this time. Having to deal with these problems probably played a large part in why this young boy would grow to love the sport of boxing. Ali’s love for boxing became apparent after an interesting event took place at the age of 12. After getting his bike stolen, Cassius told police officer, Joe Martin, that he felt like he wanted to beat up whoever took his bike. Joe Martin went on to tell the young Ali that he thinks that learning how to fight would be a good idea before challenging anyone ("Muhammad Ali Biography." Biography Online). Other than being a police officer, Martin was also a coach for young boxers and had a television show called “Tomorrow’s Champions.” Coach Martin would go on to teach Cassius Clay the basics of boxing, but the man who would really end up making a difference in Clay’s boxing career was Fred Stoner. Stoner taught Cassius that there was a science to boxing; he taught him that boxing was more than throwing a good punch. Fred Stoner would be the man to turn Cassius Clay from decent to having unparalleled talent ("Muhammad Ali." American

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