Multiculturalism: Gender Inequality In The United States

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Throughout history, advances in society and culture have come from individuals, not minority groups, or ideologies. In the historical timeline of humanity, equality has never existed; it is an abstract, a belief, for which the west is now paying the price. The fallacy of equality is a belief, grounded in a utopic vision of what should be, rather than what is – an illusion based on idealism. Fairness and success in life remain measured by individual results achieved, not those collectively provided. 1. There is a direct correlation in every western country between increased welfare spending, and the rise in poverty. 2. Every society that renounces capitalism and promotes government socialist collectivisation collapses, both economically and socially. 3. No government is able to provide more than the minimum wage law, or basic welfare for its populace. This reduces society to its lowest common denominator of economic survival or dependency. Multiculturalism No strong society willingly lends itself to multiculturalism or multiracialism. The destruction of consensus, beliefs, cultures, and cohesion leading to social instability and conflict produces the intended effects of multicultural mass immigration to change national identity. …show more content…

Removing a traditional consensus to introduce a multicultural racial-feminist bureaucracy leaves all cultures and subcultures of equal value, disguised as diversified lifestyles. This turns logic on its head and creates situations where the supposedly oppressed gain a privileged perspective from those oppressing them. Just as the ‘Soviet man’ peasants of Communism attained a priori of truth, so blacks, homosexuals, and feminists gain politically correct status under cultural