Multiple Goal Pursuit Model

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So people with non-limited theory are involved in more effective goal striving when facing a demanding previous day. These people show more optimism and self-efficacy so James (1907) idea holds that it’s the individual’s motivation level to invest resources that become responsible for fluctuations in energy levels.
Nelissen, Vet and Zeelenberg (2011) studied the impact of anticipated emotions on striving for health goals and results supported the concept of Multiple goal pursuit model (Louro, Pieters and Zeelenberg 2007). They suggested that anticipated emotions affect the effort level based on the perceived distance from goal. Study focused on anticipated and experienced emotions and effort level fluctuations in weight loss striving process. …show more content…

Negative anticipated emotions only increase effort levels when proximity is high. This increased effort lead to the goal achievement. But Nelissen et al (2011) found that these efforts were not affected by positive anticipated emotions. Positive emotions consider the environment secure and making extra efforts is assumed to be not worthy (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer and Vohs 2001) but these emotions promote to strive for new opportunities instead of focusing on these concerns (Fredrickkson …show more content…

They affect individual thoughts and cognitive processes and results in motivating behavior.
Thayer (2012) presented two dimensions i.e. Energetic arousal and Tense arousal those have impact on one’s mood. When energetic arousal is high, individuals are more motivated to act for certain goal. Based on previous research energetic arousal depends upon diet, sleep, physical activity and also stress (Key, Brozek, Henchel, Mickelsen and Taylor 1950, Gold, Macleod, Deary and Frier 1995, Murray 1965, Thayer 1989, Reed and Ones 2006, Thayer 1996). While tense arousal mediates danger and this is system considered linked with caution, waiting and stopping.
The interaction between these two arousal dimensions results in different states i.e. calm energy, tense energy, calm tiredness and tense tiredness, having motivational implications. According to different moods over time tasks may vary in likeliness. For an individual one task might be highly attractive to invest effort at morning while non-attractive at evening due to declined energy level and increased tiredness (Thayer 2012). People act in various ways to reduce the tension and tiredness moods and direction of motivational process is from tense to tiredness towards calm